Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome to The SOC Exchange

I would like to welcome you to The SOC

A trading platform where you can sell anything you want, sell as much as you want, and sell for as long as you want, for just $1 per month, FLAT RATE! No fees, No commissions, No extra charges!

I don’t care if you sell $50, $100, $1,000 or $1Million worth of goods. Your website at The SOC will still cost you just $1 per month, or $10 per year, FLAT RATE! No contract period, No catches!

The SOC is a privately owned Australian corporation. I believe in Quality, Honesty and Integrity being the cornerstone of any organisation. You can be certain that we are committed to your success 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I became very dissatisfied at the buying and selling options that were available to me on the internet. It seemed everywhere I turned websites were only interested in taking their maximum cut in commissions and fees. I got sick and tired of working for them. What was left for me?

I know what it costs to live. I have a family, a mortgage, a car. I know only too well the costs and pressures of everyday living. So I am amazed at the fees and commissions that are being charged in-order to sell goods on the internet. Every single penny counts!

My philosophy is:
“Your profit belongs to you, and if your hard work and good fortune yields you a profit, then yours it shall be!”

The SOC is a concept that I believe will enable us all to succeed. I am not here to see what I can charge you? I am here to see what I can provide for you. What I can do to help you prosper. This has got to be a WIN - WIN situation. End of story!

At The SOC you are not just selling an item, it is your home from which to sell all your items. At $1 per month, or $10 per year, you can’t lose. Your costs are fixed, now build your profit!

No matter where you are selling right now, you have everything to gain by also selling at The SOC At $1 per month FLAT RATE, you are already ahead because you know your costs, and they are fixed!

I don’t know about you, but I would need a mathematics professor to figure out the fees and commissions that I would be paying at some websites, based on the goods I sold? Who needs that?

The SOC is clear, easy and transparent. No hidden agenda. Just good old fashioned business sense, giving everyone the opportunity to be successful.

I believe it is my destiny to provide for you a choice. A choice for the way I feel the internet should be working. It’s a basic, simple approach, but WOW is it powerful!

At $1 per month, you can’t afford NOT to be selling on The SOC Exchange!

The SOC is ready and waiting for YOU! From set-up to selling, at The SOC Exchange you can be fully operational in a matter of minutes.

The SOC will support you with the latest in technology, with Patent Protection Pending Search and IT systems. At The SOC Exchange I believe we have some of the best IT developers and designers on the planet at your service. Give us the opportunity to do you proud.

The SOC is here to provide you with the tools to succeed. No matter where you are selling, at The SOC you have everything to gain and nothing to lose!


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have you terms and conditions relating to australia eg buyers and sellers residing in australia?
why cant i pay your fees with paypal?

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