Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Earn $$$, Tell A Friend – Increase Your Income!

I am just so excited about our new member rewards program – you are not going to believe this, but it’s TRUE!

We recently launched a unique campaign ‘Earn $$, Tell a Friend’ – which is designed to give all our SOC Exchange members the opportunity to earn some much needed ‘easy cash’ in today’s disastrous economy!

The concept is really simple:
Members - for every person you refer to The SOC Exchange you will receive a 'SOC Fee' - cash deposited directly into your PayPal account. Every new member that you refer, who joins The SOC Exchange on a yearly membership of $10, you will receive a 'SOC Fee.' The new member can join any of our marketplaces: Buy & Sell, Careers, Auto or Real Estate, the choice is theirs. As long as the new member enters your Referral ID, the 'SOC Fee' is yours!

You can request payment of your 'SOC Fees' at any time. 'SOC Fee' payment requests must be sent by you to us via your SOC Exchange 'Admin System.' All payment requests received before midnight Saturday (AEST) in any given week, will be paid into your PayPal account within 10 days from that Saturday. This means that you will receive your 'SOC Fees' fast - when you need them most!

The dollar amount of the ‘SOC Fee’ will change during the course of the year, so be sure to check regularly on the current value of the ‘SOC Fee.’

I really don’t see the point in all these rewards programs that mean you have to spend literally thousands of dollars in the hope of getting something in return – that’s not being rewarded!

We want to actually reward our members for their loyalty and for helping to expand the SOC Exchange community with something that makes a massive difference and is instantly redeemable – cash.

You can monitor the progress of your ‘SOC Fees’ in the backend of your own SOC Exchange site and when you are ready to collect your cash, all you need to do is lodge a payment request.

So, now it’s as easy as pinging out an email to tell your friends, family and colleagues about the SOC Exchange website, for SOC members to make even more money on The SOC Exchange!

There is no other rewards program around that’s like this one where you can make instant money, not stockpile useless points which don’t ever add up to much.

There’s no catch - you help us build The SOC Exchange community and we help you build your bank account!

What are you waiting for?

Monday, May 4, 2009


Take matters into your own hands and put extra cash in your pocket, NOW…

Every time I turn on the news there’s another update on the economic stimulus package, interest rates, and all the doom and gloom – who’s approved what, when will we see the effects, and what it might mean for me - and then I think, why wait?

There is an opportunity for all of us here!There are plenty of things we can all do to jump start our own household economies and add a little extra cash to our weekly income, and it won’t cost billions!

Here are five quick tips on how you can earn some extra cash….

• Clear Out The Clutter – Clear out your basement and the attic, take clear photographs of all the things you haven’t used in a year (be tough about this) and sell them online.

• Put Your Hobbies To Good Use – Whether you like to knit, sew, paint or make bird houses, put your talents to good use and start selling items online. Make a small number of items, post them online and see what sells.

• Trawl Garage Sales For Bargains – Once you understand what sells well online, visit garage sales in your area and haggle to make sure you pay no more than 50% of what you intend to sell it for.

• Collectibles Can Be Fun To Trade – Many people enjoy trading collectibles as a hobby and some manage to make a good living, but if you are new to trading collectibles, start with low priced items and watch other stores and sites to see what sells and how much it sells for.

• List It And See If It Sells – You’ll be amazed at what people buy on the internet, and as they say, ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’. Take a clear picture, decide a fair price, describe your items honestly and let the internet do the rest.

Most of all, be honest in your descriptions and make sure to have fun along the way!